The following options may be specified in the APIMon Options dialog box:
Enable Tracing
Turns on API tracing. This causes APIMon to create a trace file containing one line of text for each API call made by the monitored application. The trace contains the following information:
1. Return Address
2. First four arguments
3. API Name
Enable Aliasing
Turns on aliasing.
Enable Counters
Turns on API counting and timing.
Pre-Load Symbols
Enabling this option causes APIMon to load the debug symbols for all DLLs while the monitored program is executing. This option is turned on when Monitor Page Faults is turned on.
Disable Heap Checking
When a process is being debugged, NTDLL's heap manager turns on a set of heap-checking flags. This ensures that if the process corrupts its heap, the debugger will catch the error. The heap checking flags also slow down the process and change the characteristics of the heap.
The Disable Heap Checking option disables this behavior and allows the process to run as if it were not being debugged.
Go Immediately
This option causes APIMon to start the monitor for the application as soon as the program is opened by selecting File, and then Open from the menu or when a program name is specified on the APIMon command line.
Don’t Use Fast Counters
On Intel Pentium processors, APIMon can use special instructions to do the API timings. Other processors must use the Win32 API GetPerformanceCounter(). This option disables the use of these instructions if APIMon is running on one of the supported platforms.
Monitor Known DLLs Only
By default, APIMon monitors API calls to all DLLs that the monitored process loads, either statically or dynamically. This option provides for the monitoring of a specific list of DLLs to be monitored. To create the DLL list, see "Known DLLs Options," later in this document.
Monitor Page Faults
Enabling this option causes APIMon to create a new window that displays page fault information. The window displays one entry for each API from all enabled DLLs that has caused a page fault.
Default Counter Sorting
This option specifies the default sort order for the API counter window. The sort order can be changed while the monitor is running.
Log File Name
Specify a full path and file name for the APIMon log file. You may specify a file on your local computer or a UNC name to a network path and name. This file is created when the menu command Write Data To Log File is selected from the File menu. The file is overwritten each time the log file is created.
Trace File Name
Specify a full path and file name for the Trace file. You may specify a file on your local computer or a UNC name to a network path and name. This file is created when the Enable Tracing option is turned on. The file is overwritten each time the trace file is created.
Symbol Path
This string is a path or multiple paths separated by semicolons. Each path points to a tree containing debug symbols. The debug symbols can be either .dbg files, .exe files, or .pdb files. This string is necessary if the Pre-Load Symbols option is turned on.
This property page is used to specify a list of Known DLLs that are initially monitored by APIMon, which can be useful if you don't want APIMon to clutter the display and log file with irrelevant statistics.
To add a new entry to the list, click an empty entry. In the edit box, enter the DLL name and press enter. The DLL name must not contain a full path, just the DLL name with a .dll extension.
To delete an entry, click the desired entry, delete all of the text, and press enter. The entry is then removed from the list.
In order for this DLL list to take effect, the Monitor Known DLLs Only option must be turned on.