AdDiag can generate a report containing the following sections of information.
========================= General Info =========================
General info provides user configuration details.========================= TS Info =========================
TS info provides information about whether or not Microsoft Terminal Server is running:======================= Managed Apps (Local List) =======================
Managed Apps (Local List) lists all applications with information stored in the registry. The applications are listed by GUID. The GUID is set from the Software Installation snap-in, so in a case where the friendly name does not appear correct, the GUID is the information of most use in troubleshooting.UI Levels | |
0x0 | UI level is unchanged |
0x1 | Default UI |
0x2 | Completely silent installation |
0x3 | Progress bars and error handling |
0x4 | Authored UI (wizard dialogs suppressed) |
0x5 | Authored UI (wizards, progress bars, and error handling) |
0x40 | Display only progress bars |
0x80 | Display success or failure dialog on completion |
Application States | |
0x1 | Assigned |
0x2 | Published |
0x4 | Remove unmanaged version before assignment |
0x8 | Leave application unmanaged when Group Policy no longer applies |
0x10 | Remove application when Group Policy no longer applies |
0x20 | Leave application unmanaged |
0x40 | Remove application |
0x18 | Assigned and Leave application unmanaged when Group Policy no longer applies |
======================= Deployed Apps (Server) =========================
Deployed Apps (Server) is a full list of applications from the Group Policy objects applied to the given user (or computer). In the case of upgrade relationships the base application is still listed, even if there is an upgrade for it.
This feature has not been implemented yet========================= MSI Apps =========================
MSI Apps lists all applications for which there is Windows Installer information. Managed applications came from Software Installation and Maintenance, unmanaged applications came from alternative distribution, such as Microsoft Systems Management Server.