Error Message:

An error occurred while processing the workstation list for user user name.


When PortUAS was translating the list of workstations from the user accounts database to the Windows 2000 security database, the system ran out of memory or one of the workstations has an invalid name. Workstation or computer names must have between 1 to 15 characters, must not begin or end with a blank space, and must not contain any control characters. The names also must not contain any forward or backslashes ( \\ /), double backslashes (\\\\), brackets ([ ]), angle brackets (< >) , colons (:), semicolons (;), quotation marks ("), pluses (+), or equal signs (=), question marks (?), wildcards (*), or vertical bars (|).

User Action:

Verify that the workstation names from the user accounts database are valid.