DNS Server encountered invalid WINS-R record in file filename, line number. WINS-R records are subject to the following conditions: 1) WINS-R record must be in reverse lookup zone (under in-addr.arpa domain). 2) Only one WINS-R record may be specified in a zone file. 3) WINS-R record must belong to the zone root (the WINS record name must be the origin of the zone). 4) WINS-R record must specify at domain for the resulting name. The format of a WINS-R record: WINS-R [LOCAL] [L<lookup timeout>] [C<cache timeout>] <result domain> Examples (zone root assumed to be current origin): @ IN WINS-R LOCAL L1 C10 mycompany.com. @ IN WINS-R wins.mycompany.com.
Delete the WINS record from the specified file, and then stop and restart DNS. Use DNS Manager to recreate the record. Set the LOCAL flag if you plan to do zone transfers with a non-Microsoft DNS server. To delete the WINS record from the specified file: