The DNS server encountered an unknown WINS-to-DNS mapping flag name in file filename at line number. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this flag, it is recommended that you either correct the associated resource record or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\\System32\\Dns directory.
The only flag that can be associated with a WINS record on a DNS server is the LOCAL flag. When the LOCAL flag is set, a WINS record looks like this: @ IN WINS LOCAL <ip address(es) of WINS server(s)> The LOCAL flag is used when a zone transfer takes place with a non-Microsoft DNS server. This prevents all WINS information from being sent during a zone transfer to a non-Microsoft secondary DNS server. This flag is set by enabling the Settings only affect local server option on the WINS Reverse Lookup tab of the Server Properties dialog box.
Delete the WINS record from the specified file, and then stop and restart DNS. Use DNS Manager to recreate the record. Set the LOCAL flag if you plan to do zone transfers with a non-Microsoft DNS server. To delete the WINS record from the specified file: