Event Message:

IKE security association negotiation failed. Mode: name Filter: name Failure Point: parameter Failure Reason: text

Source Event Log Event ID Event Type
Security Security 547 Failure Audit


This audit is the primary diagnostic tool for determining IKE negotiation failures. It describes which mode (Main or Quick), which filter, where the failure occurred (Me or Peer), and gives an explanation of the failure as well as likely reasons for this failure.

User Action:

Follow the suggestions in the failure string, if they are present. If trying to troubleshoot a connection failure using this, and the failure reason isnÆt descriptive enough, search the log file (%windir%\oakley.log) for the description string in the audit. Make sure you match the filter and mode if you are on a machine doing many negotiations to make sure you are in the right spot in the log. Determine from the log where the failure occurred that generated this audit.