WINS could not read the UseRplPnrs value of the Wins\\Parameters\\ConsistencyCheck key. If this value is set to a non-zero (DWORD) value, WINS will do a consistency check of the owners in its database by going to one or more of its replication partners. If the owner of the records happens to be a replication partner, WINS will go to it, otherwise it will pick one at random. Set this value if you have a large number of WINSs in your configuration and/or if you do not want the local WINS to go to any WINS that is not a replication partner.
Source | Event Log | Event ID | Event Type |
Wins | System | 4116 | Information |
WINS determines how replications are done by the UseRplPnrs value. If this value is set to a non-zero value, WINS will do a consistency check of the owners in its database by going to one or more of its replication partners. If the owner of the records happens to be a replication partner, WINS will go to it. Otherwise, it will pick one at random. This value should be set if you have a large number of Windows Internet Name Services in your configuration and/or you do not want the local WINS to go to any WINS that is not a replication partner. Note: WINS never deletes records in its database if the partner with which it is doing verification is not the owner. This is because WINS does not know which database is the most current.
Open the registry and verify that the UseRplPnrs entry has been set. Correct the value of the entry as needed. For information about the UseRplPnrs entry, see the Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry (Regentry.chm) on the Windows 2000 Resource Kit CD-ROM. For general information about the registry, see Windows 2000 Registry in Windows 2000 Help.