Error Message:

The DHCP server service is paused.


This event record indicates a possible problem with either the DHCP server or the DHCP client. A DHCP server must be authorized to operate in a directory service enterprise. When the DHCP server starts, it queries the directory service for the DHCP server list of authorized addresses. If the server finds its IP address in the authorized list, it initializes and starts providing DHCP service to clients. If it does not find itself in the authorized list, it does not initialize, and stops providing DHCP services. The other possibility is that the DHCP client has an incorrect address and is trying to contact a DHCP server that is outside of the client's directory service enterprise.

User Action:

The first step is to check the DHCP client to verify that it has the correct IP addresses. Next, verify that the DHCP server is authorized for the correct directory service enterprises. Refer to the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit for additional information on DHCP server authorization.