Error Message:

Cluster disk resource 'name' did not respond to a SCSI maintenance command.


A SCSI maintenance command is a reserve (write) operation to the quorum disk, which 1) maintains ownership of the disk and 2) makes sure the disk is still there. If the reserve operation fails, either the disk is broken or (more likely) the cluster's other node has taken ownership of the disk. Failure of the node that owns the quorum device to send SCSI maintenance commands can happen if the node is in kernel debugging mode, or because of software or hardware problems. Assume that node A owns the quorum device. In normal cluster operations, the node that does not own the quorum device (node B) periodically challenges node A's ownership of the quorum, then after an interval follows up with a check. If node A, because of either sluggish or nonresponsive operation, fails to send the maintenance command before B sends the follow-up check, node B's challenge succeeds, and B takes ownership of the quorum. Node A shuts down, and this error message results.

User Action:

The node that failed to send the SCSI maintenance command must rejoin the cluster. If the cause of the node's sluggishness is a software problem, call Microsoft Product Support Services for further information. If the sluggishness is due to the node being in debug mode, take it out of debug mode.