The account could not be added to the local Administrators group.
The probable causes of this error are Domain Controller or security problems.
1) Check whether the account you are using to run setup has sufficient permission to manage the cluster. 2) To check basic connectivity between the nodes, use the ping utility. To check basic connectivity between a node and its DC, run nltest /sc_query:<machine domain name>. \r\n3) To check the DC: If you are running Windows 2000, run Nettest. If Nettest indicates a problem, base your recovery action on the Nettest output. \r\nIf you are running Windows NT 4.0, check the status of the secure channel to the DC. To check the channel status, run nltest /sc_query: machine domain name If that command reports an error, you can try to reset it: nltest /sc_reset:machine domain name