Event Message:

application had no frame types configured for the binding to adapter name.

Source Event Log Event ID Event Type
IPX/SPX System 9505 Error


When you install NWLink, you must provide a value for Frame Type that specifies the frame format that the NWLink packets will use. There are default frame types you can choose from. However, if a computer that runs Windows 2000, acting as an application server, cannot communicate with an MS-DOS-based Novell client after selecting the relevant default frame type, you can determine the correct frame type by examining the Net.cfg file located on the NetWare client.

User Action:

Using any text editor, or by displaying the file at the MS-DOS command prompt, locate the Link Driver section under which the Frame Parameter is set. The NWLink FRAME parameter must be identical to the frame type specified in the NetWare client's Net.cfg file to use NWLink to communicate with a NetWare client.