Error Message:
One or more accounts failed to be propagated. Please view the details in the file MSSYNC.LOG in the SyncAgnt directory under your system32 directory.
Every time you add a NetWare server for management with a domain, or perform a trial run of doing so, a log file named MSSYNC.LOG is created in the systemroot\SYSTEM32\SYNCAGNT directory. The log file shows what happened to NetWare accounts during the propagation to the domain.
User Action:
Open the MSSYNC.LOG file in the \%systemroot%\winnt\system32\SyncAgnt directory. Search for the accounts that failed propagation. Check for duplicate account names and invalid passwords.
You will need to choose a method using the Migration Tool to handle these conflicts. For duplicate usernames, click the Username tab in the User and Group Options dialog box and select one of the following options:
1. Choosing Ignore will cause no action to be taken on conflicts. Duplicates will be ignored.
2. Overwrite with new Info - This choice means that the new NetWare user account information will overwrite Windows 2000 account information. For example, if John already has a user account on the TOPGUN domain and a user account named John was migrated, the NetWare account information would overwrite the Windows 2000 account information. Any conflicts are recorded in the ERROR.LOG.
3, Choosing Add Prefix will create a new Windows 2000 account when a conflict occurs with the specified prefix added to it. For example, a NW prefix can be added to each account to differentiate the migrated accounts from the original Windows 2000 accounts.
Duplicate Group Names:
You will need to choose a method using the Migration Tool to handle these conflicts. For duplicate group names, click the Group Names tab in the User and Group Options dialog box and select one of the following options:
Note Unlike usernames, the option to overwrite with new info is not available for groups.
1. Choosing Ignore will cause no action will be taken on conflicts.
2. Choosing Add Prefix will create a new Windows 2000 account when a conflict occurs with the specified prefix added to it.
Password conflicts:
For password conflicts, click the Passwords tab in the User and Group Options dialog box and select one of the following options:
1. No Password - The account will be set up without a password.
2. Password is Username - The account will be set up with the password set as the username.
3. Password is - The administrator can set up a constant password that will be assigned to all user accounts.
It is recommended to use "Password is". This allows the administrator to use a constant password at a six character length to meet the domain and account requirements for migrating users to a Windows 2000 domain. Then when the users log on, they will be required to change their passwords.