WINSOCK Error: Operation now in progress.
WinSock only allows a single blocking operation to be outstanding per task (or thread), and if you make any other function call (whether or not it references that or any other socket) the function fails with the WSAEINPROGRESS error. It means that there is a blocking operation outstanding. It is also possible that WinSock might return this error after an application calls connect() a second time on a non-blocking socket while the connection is pending (after the first connection failed with WSAEWOULDBLOCK).
Developer suggestions: Handle this as a non-fatal error. Any application that uses a blocking socket or calls any blocking functions must handle this error. You can attempt to avoid the error by calling WSAIsBlocking() before making any WinSock function calls. User suggestions: Contact the vendor of the application that issued this message. They might have a software patch to fix this problem.