Error Message:

Unable to open 'filename' text


You might receive this message because you attempted to run the Internet Database Connector (IDC) script file from a World Wide Web browser and incorrect file permissions were set for the Odbc32.dll file. Odbc32.dll is located in the Systemroot\System32 directory. By default, all users in the group Everyone have Change permission for this directory. If this default setting has been changed, your client might not have been given Execute permission for Odbc32.dll when this file was copied to the System32 directory. Internet Information Services requires a client to have Execute permission for Odbc32.dll in order to run the IDC script from a Web browser.

User Action:

Either restore Change permission for the domain group Everyone for Odbc32.dll, or grant Execute permission for any account that will run the IDC script from a Web browser. Such accounts include the anonymous logon account that Internet Information Services creates during installation, IUSER_(computer name).