The route addition failed: address
The route command converts destination names to addresses using the networks database file located in the (<Systemroot>\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\networks) directory. If you add a route to the routing table, the network address of the destination name must be added to the networks database file for address resolution. For the route utility to work correctly, the gateway/network numbers must be specified in the NETWORKS file.
Verify that the format of the address that is being added to the routing table is correct. The address must be specified using all four octets in a dotted decimal format. Append the fourth octet with a zero if necessary. If you are using a host name such as campus_gwy in the command line, the IP address of the host name must be added to the NETWORKS file in the (<Systemroot>\\winnt\\drivers\\etc) directory for name to IP resolution prior to issuing the route command on the command line. If you continue to get this error message, contact your network administrator to verify that the network is up and running.