SchemaDiff.vbs Examples
Schemadiff.vbs /
- Compares the schema of the domain of the currently logged on user to the schema of the domain specified in /s.
SCHEMADIFF.VBS Compares schema on two different domains.
Src Schema Version: 12
Dst Schema Version: 12
Comparing classes
classRegistration systemMayContain mismatch
Missing Class mS-DirSync-RetryList
Missing Class mS-DirSync-Server
Missing Class mS-DirSync-Session
Missing Class mS-DirSync-WriteLog
user systemMayContain mismatch
Comparing attributes
Missing Attribute cOMUniquePackageId
Missing Attribute executionContext
Missing Attribute fileExtension
Missing Attribute mimeTypesUnused
Missing Attribute dLMemRejectPermsBL
Missing Attribute dLMemSubmitPermsBL
Missing Attribute maintainAutoReplyHistory
Missing Attribute taggedCertificate
Missing Attribute homeFax
Missing Attribute personalMobile
Missing Attribute oSVersion
** Schema Mismatch