Restart.vbs Syntax
Open command prompt now.
Restart.Vbs /S machine /L | R | P | Q [/T:xx] [/U username] [/W password] [/O outputfile] [/F]
- /S machine
- is the name of the local or remote computer (required).
- /L | R | P | Q
- is the operation to be performed on the specified computer (required).
- /L
- performs logoff.
- /R
- performs restart.
- /P
- performs poweroff.
- /Q
- performs shutdown.
- /T:xx
- sets the time until the specified operation begins, in seconds. If this parameter is omitted, the operation is performed immediately.
- username
- is the current user's name.
- password
- is the password of the current user.
- outputfile
- is the output file name.
- /F
- forces running applications to close.

The /F parameter causes Windows 2000 to forcibly close applications with open files and unsaved data. This will result in a loss of all unsaved data.