


The Run subkey stores the names of executable files and document files that Windows 2000 runs automatically when this user logs on to the system.

There are several Run subkeys in the registry. Group Policy adds this subkey and its entries to the registry when you enable the Run these programs at user logon policy in the User Configuration folder. If you disable the policy or set it to Not configured, Group Policy deletes the Run subkey (and all of its entries) from the registry.

Each entry in the Run subkey represents a program or document. The entry name is an ordinal number, and its value is the name of (and, optionally, the path to) an executable file or document. You provide the file name when you configure the policy.

Each entry in the run subkey has the following format:

NumberREG_SZ[Path]File name

For example, the entry


indicates that the Windows calculator will be started automatically when a user logs on.


indicates that the ReadMe document will be started automatically when a user logs on.

Note Image Note

The Policies\Explorer\Run subkey can appear in both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. If this entry appears in both subtrees, the system starts the programs specified in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE just before it starts the programs specified in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Tip Image Tip

For detailed information about particular Group Policy settings, see the Group Policy Reference (Gp.chm) on the Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.

For general information about Group Policy, see Group Policy in Windows 2000 Help.

To see a table associating policies with their corresponding registry entries, see the Group Policy Reference Table.