

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_EXPAND_SZ Comma-separated IP addresses in dotted-decimal form (Blank)


Limits the DNS servers that can scavenge the resource records for this zone to the servers listed in this entry.

When scavenging, the DNS server inspects the timestamps of resource records for this zone in the DNS database and deletes records that are out of date.

By default, this entry does not appear in the registry and, therefore, all primary servers that are authoritative for this zone can scavenge its resource records. However, when this entry appears in the registry, only the servers specified in the value of the entry can scavenge the resource records for the zone.

Change method

To change the value of this entry use the DNS Server Troubleshooting Tool (Dnscmd.exe) on the Windows 2000 Resource Kit CD-ROM. For more information, see Windows 2000 Tools Help.

Activation method

DNS reads its registry entries only when it starts. You can change entries while the DNS server is running by using the DNS console. If you change entries by editing the registry, the changes are not effective until you restart the DNS server.

Note Image Note

By default, scavenging is disabled on the DNS server and on all zones. To enable scavenging for any zone, you must enable it on the DNS server (as specified in ScavengingInterval) and on the zone (as specified by this value). If scavenging is disabled on the DNS server, all entries that configure scavenging on any zone are ignored.

Caution Image Caution

If this entry appears in the registry, but its value is blank, no servers are authorized to scavenge its records. As a result, scavenging is effectively disabled on the zone.

DNS adds this entry to the registry when you use the use the DNS Server Troubleshooting Tool (Dnscmd.exe) in the \Support\Tools folder of the Windows 2000 operating system CD to configure scavenging. Do not edit the registry to add, delete or change this value.

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