
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WINS\Partners\Pull\<IP address of pull partner>

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_DWORD 0 | 1 0


Determines whether addresses in an Internet group pulled from a WINS partner are assigned a high or low precedence in the domain group. A high precedence indicates that a WINS partner is physically close.

Addresses in an Internet group are identified by the value 0x1C in the sixteenth byte of their NetBIOS name. Locally registered addresses always have a high precedence. Set the value of this entry to 1 if this WINS partner is serving a geographic location that is nearby.

0Low: Addresses in an Internet group (0x1C in the 16th byte) are assigned a low precedence.
1Addresses in an Internet group (0x1C in the 16th byte) are assigned a high precedence.