

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_DWORD 0 | 1 1


Determines whether the Welcome to Windows splash screen, Welcome.exe, is shown the next time the user logs on.

Value Meaning
0 The Welcome to Windows splash screen will not be shown the next time the user logs on.
1 The Welcome to Windows splash screen will be shown the next time the user logs on.

Change method

To change the value of this entry for the current user, use the Show this screen at startup check box on the splash screen.

Note Image Note

This entry can be overridden by a Group Policy. When the Don't display welcome screen at logon policy in the User Configuration or Computer Configuration folders is enabled, this entry is ignored. Users can display the welcome screen manually, but the system does not display it at logon, regardless of the setting of the Show this screen at startup check box. The Don't display welcome screen at logon policy setting is stored in NoWelcomeScreen (HKLM) and NoWelcomeScreen (HKCU).

This entry affects Windows 2000nbsp;Professional only.

Tip Image Tip

If a user's Welcome screen does not appear as expected, check the setting of the Don't display welcome screen at logon policy. This policy takes preference over the user setting and the value of this entry.

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