

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_DWORD 0 - 0xFF retransmissions 0x5


Determines how many times an unacknowledged PPTP packet is retransmitted before the connection is dropped.

This entry lets you configure a limit on PPTP retransmissions separately from the limit you set for regular TCP retransmissions in TCPMaxDataRetransmissions. You can then adjust the TCP setting to prevent SYN flooding attacks without affecting PPTP traffic.

Note Image Note

The default value of this entry is changed for Windows 2000. For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the default value was 0xFFFFFFFF.

Tip Image Tip

To prevent the TCP dead gateway detection feature from inadvertently disconnecting a congested Internet link, set this value higher than the default value of TCPMaxDataRetransmissions.

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