The Public subkey in the TrapConfiguration subkey represents the Public community, the default community for SNMP services. This subkey stores the names of hosts designated to receive trap messages on behalf of all hosts in the Public community. Trap messages are alerts initiated by SNMP agents.
The host names for the Public community are stored as entries in the Public subkey. The names of the host entries are ordinal numbers beginning with 0. The value of the entry can be a host name, an IP address, or an IPX address. All entries in this subkey have the REG_SZ data type.
For example, the SNMP\Parameters\TrapConfiguration\Public subkey contains a contains one or more entries of the following type:
In this example, the SNMP agent will send traps for the Public to the host at the specified IP address.
To view, add, or delete hosts from a community subkey, use Services in Computer Management.