
HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ 0 | 1 | 2 1


Determines how fast the cursor moves in response to movements of the mouse.

MouseSpeed, MouseThreshold1, and MouseThreshold2 determine when and by how much cursor speed is accelerated when you move the mouse rapidly.

When you move the mouse slowly, the system moves the cursor at a constant rate that is directly proportional to the rate at which you move the mouse. However, if you move the mouse fast enough to exceed the value of MouseThreshold1 or MouseThreshold2, the system can respond by accelerating the movement of the cursor, so that the cursor moves twice as fast or four times as fast as you move the mouse.

Value Meaning
0 No acceleration.
1 Double at MouseThreshold1.
When the mouse speed reaches or exceeds the value of MouseThreshold1, the cursor moves at twice the normal speed; that is, the cursor moves two pixels for every one pixel movement of the mouse.
2 Double at MouseThreshold1; quadruple at MouseThreshold2.
When the mouse speed reaches or exceeds the value of MouseThreshold1, the cursor moves at twice the normal speed; that is, the cursor moves two pixels for every one pixel movement of the mouse. When the mouse speed reaches or exceeds the value of MouseThreshold2, the cursor moves at four times the normal speed; that is, the cursor moves four pixels for every one pixel movement of the mouse.

Change method

To change the value of this entry, double-click Mouse in Control Panel. Click the Motion tab and use the Acceleration radio buttons. The Acceleration setting determines the following registry values:

None  Low  Medium  High 
MouseSpeed 0 1 2 2
MouseThreshold1  0 7 4 4
MouseThreshold2 0 0 12 6