

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ IPAddress[ IPAddress...] (A-space delimited list of dotted decimal IP addresses.) (Blank value)


Stores a list of DNS servers to which Windows Sockets sends queries when it resolves names for this interface. This entry, which can be changed by the user, overrides the DHCP-configured values for the DNS name servers.

The interface-specific DNS name server for the system is determined by the values of DhcpNameServer, which is configured by DHCP, and by NameServer, which you can configure.

If these entries contain valid values, the user-configured values take precedence over the DHCP-configured values when configuring the affected interface.

Change method

To change the value of this entry. use Network and Dial-up Connections. Right-click a connection and click Properties. If it is a dial-up connection, click the Networking tab. In the Components checked are used by this connection box, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Properties, click the Advanced button, and click the DNS tab. The servers in this list appear in the DNS addresses, in order of use box. To add a DNS server to the list, click Add.

Related Entries

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