

Data typeRangeDefault value


Specifies which processors can be associated with a network adapter and service the delayed procedure calls (DPCs) generated by that network adapter. This entry is designed for multiprocessor computers, specifically those with more than one network adapter.

Each of the 32 bits in the value of ProcessorAffinityMask represents one processor. The high bit represents processor 32, and the low bit represents processor 0.

If a bit is set to 1, the processor represented by the bit can be associated with a network adapter and service all of the DPCs it generates.

If a bit is set to 0, the processor represented by the bit cannot be associated with any particular network adapter. When a network adapter is not associated with a processor, its DPCs are serviced by the same processor that serviced the interrupt from which the DPC evolved.

0x0If the value of this entry is 0 (all bits are set to 0), none of the processors are associated with network adapters. DPCs are serviced by the same processor that serviced the interrupt. This setting is useful for platforms that distribute interrupts among all processors, such as the Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 platforms for Intel Pentium and Pentium Pro (P6) processors.
0x1 - 0xFFFFFFFEIf some of the bits are set to 0 and others are set to 1, the system skips processors associated with bits set to 0 and assigns network adapters to processors whose bits are set to 1.
0xFFFFFFFFIf the value of this entry is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits are set to 1), all processors on the computer can be associated with network adapters. If there are multiple processors and multiple network adapters, each adapter is associated with one processor and services all of its DPCs. The first adapter is associated with the processor with the highest number. Subsequent adapters are associated with the next processor in descending numeric order. If there are more adapters than there are processors, the system begins again at the highest numbered processor and assigns a network adapter to each remaining processor in descending numeric order.