
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Data typeRangeDefault value
REG_SZ String (Blank)


Specifies the text for the message box that appears after a user presses Ctrl+Alt+Del to log on.

If the value of this entry is not blank, a message box displaying the value of this entry appears before the Log on to Windows dialog box is displayed. The user must click OK in the message box to proceed with logon.

For example, in the figure below, the value of LegalNoticeText is "You must be an employee of XYZ to use this computer." The text displayed in the title bar of the logon banner is specified by the value of LegalNoticeCaption.

Legal notice

Note Image Note

The logon banner is not displayed when the value of DisableCAD is 1.

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