User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\Network and Dial-up Connections
Lets users delete shared dial-up (RAS) connections. Shared connections are available to all users of the computer.
If you enable this policy, users can delete shared RAS connections.
If you disable this policy or do not configure it, only administrators can delete shared RAS connections. (By default, users can still delete their private connections, but you can change the default by using the Enable deletion of RAS connections policy.)
When disabled, the Enable deletion of RAS connections policy takes precendence over this policy. Users (including administrators) cannot delete any RAS connections and this policy is ignored.
LAN connections are created and deleted automatically by the system when a LAN adapter is installed or removed. You cannot use Network and Dial-up Connections to create or delete a local area connection.
To create a shared RAS connection, on the Connection Availability page in the Network Connections wizard, click For all users.