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Preparing Your Network Infrastructure for Windows 2000

The chapter "Preparing Your Network Infrastructure for Windows 2000"in this book provides recommendations for documenting your current network infrastructure. It also helps you to identify the areas of the network infrastructure, such as servers, routers, and network services, that you might need to upgrade or modify before deploying Windows 2000.

The areas of your current network environment that you need to document to prepare your network for deploying Windows 2000 are as follows:

You should thoroughly document the following hardware-related items:

Your software inventory should include:

Also document network configurations for servers and client computers. This information, which can be located under Network options in Control Panel, includes:

You need to document:

You also need to aggregate much of this information to create physical and logical network diagrams, which you can use to discuss before and after images of the network with others. For more information about important technical issues to document, see "Preparing Your Network Infrastructure for Windows 2000"in this book.

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