Introducing Windows 2000 Deployment Planning

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Management Infrastructure Services

The management infrastructure services in Windows 2000 Server provide IT departments with tools that enable you to provide the highest levels of service available and reduce ownership costs. Table 1.6 describes the Windows 2000 Server management infrastructure services and their benefits.

Table 1.6 Management Infrastructure Services

Feature Description Benefits
Directory services Active Directory stores information about all objects on the network, making this information easy to find. Provides a flexible directory hierarchy, granular security delegation, efficient permissions delegation, integrated DNS, high-level programming interfaces, and an extensible object store. Provides a single set of interfaces for performing administrative tasks, such as adding users, managing printers, and locating resources by only logging on once. Makes it easy for developers to enable their applications on a particular directory.
Administration services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) provides administrators with a common console for monitoring network functions and using administrative tools. MMC is completely customizable. MMC standardizes your management tool set, reducing training time and increasing productivity for new administrators. It also simplifies remote administration and allows for delegation of tasks.
Group Policy Group Policy allows an administrator to define and control the state of computers and users. Group Policy can be set at any level of the directory service, including sites, domains, and organizational units. Group Policy can also be filtered based on Security Group memberships. Group Policy gives administrators control over which users have access to specific computers, features, data, and applications.
Instrumentation services With Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), administrators can correlate data and events from multiple sources on a local or organization-wide basis. WMI allows you to create custom applications and snap-ins by giving you access to Windows 2000 objects.
Scripting services Windows Script Host (WSH) supports direct execution of Microsoft® Visual Basic Script, Java, and other scripts from the user interface or command line. WSH allows administrators and users to automate actions, including network connection and disconnection.

For more information about designing and deploying Windows 2000 directory services and Group Policy, see "Designing the Active Directory Structure," "Planning Distributed Security," "Defining Client Administration and Configuration Standards," and "Applying Change and Configuration Management"in this book.

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