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Desktop Management Solutions

Desktop management solutions are features that allow you to reduce the total cost of ownership in your organization by making it easier to install, configure, manage, and use client computers. Table A.3 highlights Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional desktop management features that increase user productivity.

Table A.3 Desktop Management Solutions

Feature Role of this feature within my organization

Microsoft® IntelliMirror™ is a group of features that you can use to make users' data, applications, and customized operating system settings follow them as they move to different computers within their organization.

Windows Installer

Windows Installer controls the installation, modification, repair, and removal of software. It provides a model for packaging installation information and APIs for applications to function with Windows Installer.

Remote Install

DHCP-based remote start technology installs the operating system on a client's hard disk from a remote source. A network can be initiated by either a Pre-boot execution (PXE) environment a PXE-enabled network card, specific funtion key, or remote boot floppy provided for clients without PXE.

Roaming User Profiles

Roaming User Profiles copies registry values and document information to a location on the network so that a user's settings are available wherever the user logs on.

Option Component Manager

Windows 2000 Server Setup allows you to bundle and install add-on components during or after any system setup through an installation module.

Disk Duplication

You can customize a single Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2000 Professional setup and clone it across similar computers.




You can use Microsoft® Systems Management Server (SMS) to complement the desktop management technologies in Windows 2000.

For more information about deploying Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional management solutions, see "Defining Client Administration and Configuration Standards"and "Applying Change and Configuration Management"in this book.

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