The Network Segment performance object provides network statistics for the local network segment; it is installed by the Network Monitor driver protocol on Windows 2000 Professional and by Network Monitor Tools on Windows 2000 Server.
Counter Name | Description | Counter Type |
% Broadcast Frames | Shows the percentage of network bandwidth that is made up of broadcast traffic on this network segment. | PERF_AVERAGE_BULK |
% Multicast Frames | Shows the percentage of network bandwidth that is made up of multicast traffic on this network segment. | PERF_AVERAGE_BULK |
% Network Utilization | %Shows the percentage of network bandwidth in use on this network segment. | PERF_COUNTER_MULTI_TIMER |
Broadcast Frames Received/sec | Shows the number of broadcast frames received per second on this network segment. | PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER |
Multicast Frames Received/sec | Shows the number of multicast frames received per second on this network segment. | PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER |
Total Bytes Received/sec | Shows the number of bytes received per second on this network segment. | PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER |
Total Frames Received/sec | Shows the total number of frames received per second on this network segment. | PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER |