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The Windows Media Load Simulator log file is stored in SystemDrive\Program Files\Windows Media Components\WMLoad\ServerWMLog.csv on the computer running Windows Media Load Simulator, where Server is the name of the Windows Media server that is being load-tested. The load simulator log file captures the following information.
Logging fields | Description | Sample value |
Date | Date of operation. | 04/05/99 |
Time | Time of log entry. | 20:24:03 |
Client ID | Simulated client ID generated by Windows Media Load Simulator. | 00790E80 |
Operation | Client operation being performed. | LongPlay |
Error Code | Error (in hexadecimal). | 0xC00D001A |
Error Text | Expanded from hex error code. | The system cannot find the file specified. |
The last entry in a Windows Media Load Simulator log file summarizes the load-test statistics. This summary is presented in the following format in the log file:
Total Clients:<Total Clients>,Open Streams:<Open Streams>,Clients
Playing:<Clients Playing>,Clients Striding:<Clients Striding>,Packets
Received:<Packets Received>,Erasures Detected:<Erasures Detected>,Test
Errors:<Test Errors>,Elapsed Time:<Elapsed Time>,Bytes Received:<Bytes
The load-test statistics that are recorded in the log file can be viewed in the Statistics box in Windows Media Load Simulator as they accumulate during a load test. For more information about each statistic recorded by the load simulator, see Viewing load-test statistics.