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The information in a Windows Media Load Simulator projects file can be edited in any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad. You can save an edited .bts file with a new filename. Windows Media Load Simulator opens the new projects file and runs the test with the updated information. For instructions about how to launch a load simulator project file, see Running a saved load-test configuration.
Important Note Windows Media Load Simulator will not run if you edit any information in this file incorrectly.
A Windows Media Load Simulator project file stores the following test configuration parameters:
Parameter | Definition | Sample value |
DefaultServer | Windows Media server to be load-tested. | Zanzibar |
BrowseClients | Number of Browse clients to simulate. | 1 |
RandomBitRateClients | Number of Random Bit Rate clients to simulate. | 0 |
PlayClients | Number of Play clients to simulate. | 1 |
SeekClients | Number of Seek clients to simulate. | 1 |
OpenCloseClients | Number of Open/Close clients to simulate. | 1 |
FixedBitRateClients | Number of Fixed Bit Rate clients to simulate. | 0 |
BPS | The bit rate value for a simulated Fixed Bit Rate client in bytes per second. | 0 |
ListUsage | Stream assignment method to simulated clients (random or sequential). | sequential |
Duration | Load-test duration (in seconds). | 600 |
ErrorLimit | Number of load-test errors that are accommodated before the load-test is suspended. | 100 |
EnableLogging | Windows Media Load Simulator logging enabled (1) or disabled (0). | 1 |
EnablePerfmonLogging | Performance Monitor logging enabled (1) or disabled (0). | 1 |
WMLogFile | Storage location of the Windows Media Load Simulator log file, if EnableLogging is enabled. | C:\Program Files\Windows Media Components \WMLoad \ZanzibarWMLog.csv |
PerfmonLogFile | Storage location of the Performance Monitor log file, if EnablePerfmonLogging is enabled. | C:\Program Files\Windows Media Components \WMLoad \ZanzibarPerformance.csv |
PerfmonUpdateRate | Frequency that performance counters are recorded in the Performance Monitor log file if EnablePerfmonLogging is enabled. | 5 |
EnforceMaxConnectRate | Simulated client maximum connection rate to the server enabled (1) or disabled (0). | 0 |
MaxConnectRate | Maximum rate that simulated clients can connect to the server (in clients per second) if EnforceMaxConnectRate is enabled. | 0 |
SimulateUsers | Test Server Authentication enabled (1) or disabled (0). | 1 |
FirstUser | ID for the first user to be authenticated if Test Server Authentication is enabled. The ID is appended to User to form the user name UserFirstUser, for example, User1. | 1 (The user name for the first user to be authenticated is User1.) |
LastUser | Number of users to be authenticated when Test Server Authentication is enabled, beginning with UserFirstUser and ending with UserLastUser. | 4 (The user names for the users to be authenticated range from User1 to User4.) |
[Streams] | Stream source on the server that simulated clients will connect to. Up to 15 streams can appear in the list. | mms://Zanzibar /anthem.mp3 |