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Editing load-test configuration settings

The information in a Windows Media Load Simulator projects file can be edited in any text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad. You can save an edited .bts file with a new filename. Windows Media Load Simulator opens the new projects file and runs the test with the updated information. For instructions about how to launch a load simulator project file, see Running a saved load-test configuration.

Important Note Windows Media Load Simulator will not run if you edit any information in this file incorrectly.

A Windows Media Load Simulator project file stores the following test configuration parameters:

Parameter Definition Sample value
DefaultServer Windows Media server to be load-tested. Zanzibar
BrowseClients Number of Browse clients to simulate. 1
RandomBitRateClients Number of Random Bit Rate clients to simulate. 0
PlayClients Number of Play clients to simulate. 1
SeekClients Number of Seek clients to simulate. 1
OpenCloseClients Number of Open/Close clients to simulate. 1
FixedBitRateClients Number of Fixed Bit Rate clients to simulate. 0
BPS The bit rate value for a simulated Fixed Bit Rate client in bytes per second. 0
ListUsage Stream assignment method to simulated clients (random or sequential). sequential
Duration Load-test duration (in seconds). 600
ErrorLimit Number of load-test errors that are accommodated before the load-test is suspended. 100
EnableLogging Windows Media Load Simulator logging enabled (1) or disabled (0). 1
EnablePerfmonLogging Performance Monitor logging enabled (1) or disabled (0). 1
WMLogFile Storage location of the Windows Media Load Simulator log file, if EnableLogging is enabled. C:\Program Files\Windows
Media Components \WMLoad
PerfmonLogFile Storage location of the Performance Monitor log file, if EnablePerfmonLogging is enabled. C:\Program Files\Windows
Media Components \WMLoad
PerfmonUpdateRate Frequency that performance counters are recorded in the Performance Monitor log file if EnablePerfmonLogging is enabled. 5
EnforceMaxConnectRate Simulated client maximum connection rate to the server enabled (1) or disabled (0). 0
MaxConnectRate Maximum rate that simulated clients can connect to the server (in clients per second) if EnforceMaxConnectRate is enabled. 0
SimulateUsers Test Server Authentication enabled (1) or disabled (0). 1
FirstUser ID for the first user to be authenticated if Test Server Authentication is enabled. The ID is appended to User to form the user name UserFirstUser, for example, User1. 1 (The user name for the first user to be authenticated is User1.)
LastUser Number of users to be authenticated when Test Server Authentication is enabled, beginning with UserFirstUser and ending with UserLastUser. 4 (The user names for the users to be authenticated range from User1 to User4.)
[Streams] Stream source on the server that simulated clients will connect to. Up to 15 streams can appear in the list. mms://Zanzibar

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