The Learning Center covers the key concepts necessary to familiarize you with the most used tools and key features. Two separate topics "Drawing Basics and Activities" provide learning for both the beginning and advanced users. Subtopics under the Drawing Basics topic teach basic concepts while subtopics under the Activities topic are workflows geared to certain disciplines.
The navigation tree (left) lists all the tutorials and lessons you will be working through. Use it the same way you use Windows NT Explorer. Double-click on a tutorial to display that tutorial's lessons. Double-click on a lesson to display it.
The toolbar (above) provides basic commands:
Show Me -- Plays a movie showing what you will be doing in that tutorial or lesson.
History -- Displays all the lessons you have looked at so far.
Prints -- Prints the active lesson.
Display Tree -- Displays the navigation tree. This command is disabled if the navigation tree is already displayed.
Back -- Displays the previous lesson or tutorial introduction in the navigation tree. This command is disabled when viewing the introduction.
Next -- Displays the next lesson or tutorial introduction in the navigation tree. This command is disabled when viewing the last lesson in the navigation tree.
When working through lessons, you see the following symbols:
Indicates information that you should note.
Indicates very important information that could cause a problem.