showme.GIF (372 bytes)   Note For a demonstration of the following steps, click the Show Me button.

  1. On the Draw toolbar, click the Fillet button.
    Fillet Button

The Fillet button places a fillet between two elements. You can specify a radius by typing a value in the Radius box or placing a fillet with an arbitrary radius based on your cursor position. You can click both elements individually or click a vertex.

  1. Position the cursor over the corner at the upper left corner of the layout.

Make sure that both lines are highlighted.

Click when both lines highlight.

  1. Move the cursor and click when you see the approximate radius, 5.00 meters, on the ribbon bar. The ribbon bar changes dynamically as you move the mouse cursor.
  1. Place another fillet with the same approximate radius on the lower left corner of the layout.