Note For a demonstration of the
following steps, click the Show Me button.
- On the Draw toolbar, click the Trim button.
The Trim button trims an element to the closest intersection in both directions. The
trim operation is previewed as the cursor is positioned over the element.
- Position the mouse cursor over the right end of the top green line. Then, pass the
cursor over the lower portion of the vertical blue line and click. This trims the line to
the closest intersection.
- To trim several elements at once, click and drag the mouse cursor over all the outer
blue lines.
Caution Make sure that all the outside lines
are trimmed. Click the Show Me button to see exactly how to do this.
- On the Draw toolbar, click the Select Tool.

- Click the third blue line from the right.
- Press DELETE to delete the line.
- Click and hold the Trim button on the Draw toolbar to
see the fly-out that displays the Trim Corner button. You can then select the Trim Corner

- Click and drag the mouse cursor over the ends of the
upper horizontal blue line and the vertical blue line on the right. The two lines extend
and connect to each other.
Tip Click the Show Me button to see exactly
how to do this step and the next one.
- Click and drag the mouse cursor over the ends of the
lower horizontal blue line and the same vertical blue line. The two lines should extend
and connect to each other.