Show Me    Tip For a demonstration of the following steps, click the Show Me button.

  1. In the Symbol Explorer, click and drag the "Manager.sym" symbol, and place centered on the drawing sheet and two grid spaces below the Executive symbol.
  1. Using the same method as with the Executive Vice President, input "Director of Development" followed by "Doris Mullins."
  1. On the Schematic toolbar, click the Connector Tool connector.GIF (169 bytes).
  1. Move the cursor over the bottom of the Executive symbol. When the center connect point highlights, click the left mouse button to place the first connect point bullseye.gif (66 bytes).

    note.gif (935 bytes)If you select the wrong connect point, you can click the right mouse button to reset the command.

  1. Move the cursor over the top of the Manager symbol. When the center connect point highlights, click the left mouse button to complete the connector.