Note For a
demonstration of the following steps, click the Show Me button.
To select a drag point, press the up or down arrow key on the keyboard.
To rotate the label 90 degrees, press the right or left arrow key on the keyboard.
Continuing to press and hold, move the label close to a connector until the connector turns red. Then release the label. The value is displayed in the label.
Repeat to label the other cables in the diagram.
When a red dot appears, release the symbol to label the server.
Repeat to label the other network equipment symbols in the diagram.
To label network equipment symbols (except for Cable symbols that are dragged as connectors), you must drag the label to the lower-left corner point.
You can use two methods to place multiple copies of the same symbol or label:
Right-click and drag the symbol into the template. When you release the button to place the symbol, you are prompted with two options. Click Stamp Here, and left-click to place multiple copies of the symbol.
Press the Ctrl key on the keyboard as you left-click and drag in a symbol. While holding and pressing the Ctrl key, place the first instance of the symbol. Once you have placed the first symbol, you can release the Ctrl key and left-click to place multiple copies of the symbol.
You have completed the Network Diagram tutorial.