Note For a demonstration of the following steps, click the Show Me button.

  1. On the Schematic toolbar, click the Connector Tool.
  1. On the Ribbon bar, change the line weight to .50mm and the line color to red.
  1. Connect the top of the modem to the middle of the towers left side.
  1. Connect the left side of the second tower to the right side of the printer.

  2. Connect the top middle of the first tower to the top middle of the second tower.
  3. On the Ribbon bar, change the line width to .25mm and line color to black. Click the Line End Terminator button and select the middle solid arrow.

    Line End Terminator Button
  4. Place line terminators from the top arrows to the horizontal arrow.
  1. On the Main toolbar,  click on the Fit button.
    Fit Button
  1. On the Main toolbar, click the Zoom Area button. Zoom Area Button

  2. For the first point of the zoom area, click and drag from the upper left of the first arrow symbol to the lower right of the Order Fulfillment Server. Click the right mouse button to reset.

  3. This completes the lesson.