Note For a demonstration of the following
steps, click the Show Me button.
On the Draw toolbar, click the Select Tool and select the rectangle.
On the Main toolbar, click the Change button to
display the Change toolbar.
On the Change toolbar, click the Rotate button.
Click the center of the rectangle.
You should
use the alignment indiators to locate the midpoints of the vertical and horizontal line of
the rectangle.
Move the mouse cursor to the right and select
the midpoint of the vertical element as the point from which to rotate.
Rotate the rectangle until it is about parallel
to the 45° line on the desk.
On the Change toolbar, click the Move/Copy
Click the midpoint of the line on the rectangle
that faces the desk.
Move the mouse cursor over each end point of
the 45° line on the desk. When the alignment indicators from both ends of the line meet,
click to complete the move.