Note For a demonstration of the following
steps, click the Show Me button.
- On the Main toolbar, click the Fit button.
- On the Draw toolbar, click the Line/Arc Continuous button.
- On the ribbon bar in the Line Color list, click dark green
to change the line color.
- On the ribbon bar in the Line Width list, select .35 mm to
change the line width.

- Towards the top center of the document, click and move the
cursor to the right to place a 30 inch horizontal line.
- Click to finish the line.
- Place a line that is 24 inches at a -45° angle.
- Move the cursor down and place a 30 inch vertical line.
- Move the cursor to the left until the line that you are
placing is aligned with the top left line, click to place a horizontal line.
- Click the top left line to complete the drawing of the
corner desk.
- Draw a 30 inch vertical line from the top left of the
corner desk.
- Draw a 30 inch horizontal line to the right.
- Complete the line by drawing a vertical line to connect to
the corner desk.
- Draw a 48 inch wide by 30 inch high desk that connects to
the right of the corner desk.
- On the Draw toolbar, click the Select Tool.

- Click and drag to select the three sections of desks.
- On the Main toolbar, click the Change button.

- On the Change toolbar, click the Move/Copy button.

- Select the lower left corner of the desk and move the
mouse cursor to place the desk at the left bottom of the room on the right.