FTP remote buffer overflows allow root access |
Risk Level: | ![]() |
Check or Attack Name: Palmetto FTP |
Platforms: | wu-ftpd, ProFTPD | |
Description: | A vulnerability exists in ProFTPD through version 1.2.0pre1 and wu-ftpd through 2.4.2 BETA 18 and 2.4.2 BETA 18 VR9 that could allow a remote attacker to cause these services to execute arbitrary commands as root. These servers are installed by default on many operating systems, including Slackware and Red Hat Linux distributions. |
Remedy: | Users of ProFTPD should upgrade to 1.2.0pre2 and users of wuftpd should upgrade to 2.4.2 BETA 18 VR10 or later. This vulnerability relies on the presence of long directory path structures. A suitable temporary workaround is to restrict access to world writable directories to FTP users. |
References: | Netect, Inc. General Public Security Advisory, palmetto.ftpd, http://www.netect.com/advisory_0209_2.html Debian GNU/Linux - Security Information, Debian FTP packages: Buffer overflow in some ftp servers, http://www.debian.org/security/1999/19990210 Red Hat, Inc. Linux 5.2 (Apollo) General Errata, wu-ftpd: Security Fix, http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/rhl/rh52-errata-general.html#wu-ftpd Caldera Systems, Inc. Security Advisory CSSA-1999:004.0, Buffer overflow in wu-ftpd, http://www.calderasystems.com/news/security/CSSA-1999:004.0.txt CIAC Information Bulletin J-029, Buffer Overflows in Various FTP Servers, http://www.ciac.org/ciac/bulletins/j-029.shtml Caldera Systems, Inc. Security Advisory CSSA-1999:004.0, Buffer overflow in wu-ftpd, http://www.calderasystems.com/news/security/CSSA-1999:004.0.txt CERT Advisory CA-99-03, Remote buffer overflows in various FTP servers leads to potential root compromise, http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-99-03-FTP-Buffer-Overflows.html |
![]() Know Your Risks |