View Tables

The View Tables dialog box displays information on the current data source. It lets you quickly page through the various tables generated by Internet ScannerÆs database. The information displayed is printed out when you generate a report on this data source in the following tables:

Jobs: Displays log information on Jobs (Sessions). The information is sorted by ID, Start Time, Stop Time, Session, and Host.

Hosts: Displays information on the hosts detected by the scan. The information is sorted by ID, Address, DNS, NetBIOS Name, and Domain.

Services: Displays log information on services detected by Internet Scanner. The information is sorted by ID, Ports, Keyword, Type, and Description. Note: Due to the large amount of information presented in this table, it may take a moment to load.

Vulnerabilities: Displays log information on vulnerabilities found by Internet Scanner. The information is sorted by ID, Vuln Name, Severity, Risk Level, and Description.

Accounts: Displays log information on users, groups, or machines detected by Internet Scanner. The information is sorted by ID, Host, Account, and Account Type.

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