From the Internet Scanner main window, select ToolsFlexChecks
to display the FlexChecks dialog box.
Click Add to open the Add FlexCheck dialog box.
In the Check Name box, type a name for the FlexCheck you want to create. When the vulnerability for the FlexCheck is found, Internet Scanner displays the check name in the Additional Information section of a generated report.
In the Executable box, type the directory path or click Browse to locate the FlexCheck’s executable file in your local directory. The executable file for the FlexChecks must have an .exe file name extension.
In the Arguments box, type command-line arguments to be passed to the executable during the scan. Before launching the executable for the host, Internet Scanner appends the IP address for each scanned host to the argument.
In the Timeout (secs) box, specify the number of seconds that each instance of the executable for your FlexCheck will run. If the executable times out, Internet Scanner stops the executable from running, logs the timeout information, and notifies you that the executable has timed out. The default range is 120 seconds, with an allowed range from 10 to 300 seconds.
In the Info box, type details about your FlexCheck, including a description of the vulnerability and its fix information. When the vulnerability for the FlexCheck is found, Internet Scanner displays the vulnerability information from this field in the More Information section of a generated report.
Click OK to apply the information to the FlexCheck, and exit the Add FlexCheck dialog box.
Click Exit to exit the FlexChecks dialog box, and return to the Internet Scanner main window.