Scheduling Internet Scanner

To run Internet Scanner at specific times during the day, use the Windows NT at.exe command from the command line, or use the WinAt user interface. WinAt is available from the Windows NT Resource Kit.

Note: The Scheduler service must be active to use at.exe or WinAt. Refer to your Windows documentation for other prerequisites and capabilities of at.exe and WinAt.

For example, using at.exe to run a local copy of Internet Scanner 3 times a day at 6 PM every 5 days, type on one line:

at 18:00 /interactive /every:5,10,15,20,25,30 “C:\Program Files\ISS\Scanner6\Iss_WinNT.exe” -k iss.key

If you are experiencing problems launching the scheduled application, check your Event Viewer’s System Log for messages.

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