To display Internet Scanner command-line help, type:
Iss_WinNT -?
Iss_WinNT –h
To scan using a specified key and a user-defined policy, type:
Iss_WinNT –k iss.key –p “L1 Inventory”
To scan specifying two ranges of scan addresses (ranges must be in the key file), type:
Iss_WinNT –k iss.key –r,
Notes about using command-line scanning options:
Scanning is not possible without a valid key. Evaluation copies of Internet Scanner cannot run from the command line.
All switches for scanning options must be in lowercase. All switches for reporting options must be in UPPERCASE.
If any of your variables are separated by a space, be sure to use double quotes around the variable. For example, specifying the L1 Inventory policy switch would appear as: –p “L1 Inventory”
If you start a scan and generate a report from the same command line, the scan must complete before the report prints. This holds true even when the report is unrelated to the scan.
When specifying a .hst (host) file, .key file, or .session file, the file name extension is required.
The –f, –r, and –s switches are mutually exclusive.
Specifying a session overrides the range, policy, key file, and host file settings.
If no key is specified, Internet Scanner prompts you to select a valid key.
If no policy or session is specified, Internet Scanner uses the most recently used settings.
If no host file or scan range is specified, Internet Scanner scans all hosts specified in the key file.