Prerequisite: To use the Database Scanner integration feature, install Database Scanner 2.1 or Database Scanner 3.0 on your system. ISS recommends running Database Scanner 3.0 on your system because of the enhancements that have been made to the product since the Database Scanner 2.1 release.
When you scan your network with Internet Scanner, the scan can detect database servers running on your network:
if you use the L2 Database Discovery policy, or
if you use another policy with vulnerability checks enabled that locate database servers running on your network.
If Internet Scanner finds database servers running on your network, the Database Servers Discovered message box notifies you that database servers were found and provides you with information on how to obtain licenses that let you use Database Scanner to scan the discovered database servers for security risks.
The Scan with Database dialog box (Internet Scanner main windowTools
with Database Scanner) lets you configure Database Scanner to
scan the database servers that were discovered on your network by
Internet Scanner. When the scan is finished, you can review the scan
results, and then generate, preview, or print reports on the scan
results using Database Scanner’s Review Results window.