Many tests used by Internet Scanner push the limits of the system’s operation, looking for vulnerabilities. While you are planning or implementing a test plan, consider these issues:
Notify individuals of scanned devices in advance of a scan. This way, system owners know which scans are authorized, and can take action and make improvements based on the scan results.
Scans should be run at various times of the day and the week to improve the chances of accessing systems that may be unavailable at certain times.
Use occasional unscheduled scans to maintain the secure state of the network. Only run unscheduled scans against systems that have passed a scheduled scan.
Scan new systems as soon as possible after adding them to a secure network. Perform the scan in cooperation with whomever is responsible for the system and network connectivity.
Allow systems to opt out of scans if special needs, circumstances, or justifications (such as pending upgrades) are in effect.
Schedule Denial of Service tests, which can cause system interruptions in vulnerable systems, after you have notified the system owner.
If Internet Scanner uncovers an unknown vulnerability, contact your vendors or security agencies to obtain corrective actions and advisories. Updates to Internet Scanner may also be available at the ISS Web site at