Windows NT Local Security Authority (LSA) can be remotely crashed, requiring a system reboot

Risk Level: Medium risk vulnerability  Medium

Check or Attack Name: MsrpcLsaLookupnamesDos

Platforms: Windows NT: 4.0 SP4, Windows NT: 4.0 SP5

A potentially serious denial of service attack on the Windows NT Local Security Authority (LSA) service could allow a remote attacker to crash this service by making a malformed request to LsaLookupNames. In most cases, the system will have to be rebooted to regain normal functionality.


Apply the Windows NT 4.0 post-SP5 LSA3-fix update. This fix can be installed on Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 and Service Pack 5.

Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4) and SP5 users, apply the LSA3-fix update:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Go to
  3. View the readme.txt for versions and install instructions.
  4. Download the appropriate patch for your operating environment.
  5. Find the patch file you downloaded to your computer.
  6. Double-click its icon to start the installation.
  7. Follow the installation directions.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-020, Patch Available for "Malformed LSA Request" Vulnerability,

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q231457, Malformed Request Causes LSA Service to Hang,

BindView Development, Phantom Technical Advisory,

CIAC Information Bulletin J-049, J-049: Windows NT, Two Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities (Malformed LSA Request and CSRSS Worker Thread Exhaustion),

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